Astronomy in the context of Itihas

India has not just history but Itihasa. And ONLY India has Itihas.

Along with the teachings for mankind, it also notes numerous Astrological phenomena. If studied scientifically, they precisely tell the timing of those historic events.

Atronomy 101 (with ज्योतिषाष्टके)

Let’s explore together the fundamental concepts in astronomy, which helps us to appreciate the context in Ramayan and Mahabharat. They might seem simple, but prove to be vital in understanding the Itihas. Some of the astronomical concepts include- the Earth’s rotation on its axis, Moons motion, the eclipses, seasons resulting from the Earth’s tilt and its orbit around the Sun, the precession of Equinoxes. Understanding these basics provides a foundation for exploring more complex astronomical phenomena. And helps in estimating the historicity of the Bharatiya Itihas.

We will take a visual journey using a demonstrational 3D simulation of our solar system and will try to learn in a visual way.

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भारतीय इतिहास आणि समग्र संकलनाची गरज

भारतीय इतिहास आणि समग्र संकलनाची गरज

गेले अनेक वर्षे आपण एक प्रकारचा न्युनगंड घेउनंच जगात वावरंत आलोय. आणि एखाद्यानी जरी आपल्या प्राचिन ग्रंथावर विश्वास ठेवायचा असं ठरवलं, तरी त्यातील अनेक नोंदी स्पष्टीकरणाच्या किंवा ‘पुराव्याच्या’ अभावामूळे, आणि …

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Thoughts in 2023 Aug

Thoughts in 2023 Aug

अशातंच महर्षी प. वि. वर्तक यांचे ग्रंथ व त्यानंतर निलेश ओक यांचे YouTube वरील अनेक video / blog समोर येउ लागले. महर्षी प.वि. वर्तक यांचं रामायण, महाभारताच्या काल निर्धारणावरील व उपनिषदांवरील विवेचन खूपंच अदभूत वाटलं. निलेश ओक यांची कालनिर्णय करण्यासाठी ज्योतिषाचा वापर करण्याची पद्धत खूपंच वैज्ञानिक आहे.

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What Does 'ChronoMapia' Mean?

काल (time)

देश (space)

निमित्त (cause)

These three dimensions are vital to studying any event or activity around us, whether historic, current, or future. In fact, these three aspects are found in the description of Maya, the world we experience, in Vedantic Literature. ChronoMapia is heavily centred around these three aspects. The original idea of ChronoMapia was dreamt up based on these very aspects.

Chrono + Map + Encyclopedia = ChronoMapia

Discover the wonders of history with ChronoMapia! Immerse yourself in a world filled with fascinating timelines, interactive maps, and a comprehensive encyclopaedia enriched with captivating multimedia. Stay tuned…

Connecting the Dots

The dating of Mahabharat war (to be 5,561 BCE) is decisively proved by Nilesh Oak’s scientific research. And is also true with the Ramayana dating (12,209 BCE). His books (When did the Mahabharat war happen, The historic Rama and Bhisma Nirvan) details out the Astronomical evidances that he used to estimate the dating. He also talks about corroborative evidances from many other fields like, Oceanography, Hydrology, Climatology, Geology, Sedimentology, Seismology, and so on.

I am trying to compile all such non-astronomy evidences and will be trying to co-relate them as a whole, to form a biger pictur.

[Mahesh] … go ahead on all fronts!

Nilesh Oak

Author and researcher